Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Very Excited About Today

Today I was featured as a Guest Reader on David Harrison's blogsite. I am honored, to say the least. I have learned so much from him and the other wonderful writers and poets that share their talents on that site. See link on right and contribute too! Everyone is very encouraging and nice and inspiring!

Also today, my small sub-committee group from the Indiana Writer's Consortium met with teachers from Lake Street Elementary to introduce ourselves and PoPP(Power of Poetry Project). We will teach a short lesson to the students next week. The children will learn more about poetry from their teachers over the next few weeks and submit their finest poem to us in January for judging. The best and most creative will be published. An awards ceremony in April will showcase and celebrate their accomplishments.

Also today, I sent in a short story to Hoosier Horizon Magazine. This local magazine will contain some works from the members of Write-On Hoosiers. I am designing the front and back cover too :).

Also today, (whew) I volunteered at my second son's Halloween party. His teacher wants him to bring in one of my poems next week and read it to the class - I was very touched and plan to let him read a shape poem titled Little Bat. ...My youngest has his party tomorrow - and guess what! - I'm helping with that one too!