Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cover Story

It's been a great winter so far and a Happy New Year! I'm planning on a VERY successful one.

The Town Planners are out! I have photos in the Dyer, St. John, Crown Point, and Schererville editions - including the Dyer cover. Thanks to my friend Bill who planted a seed and Stacy from Town Planner.

(No, I DID NOT hang 5 on my fridge :), but I did get extra copies for family members.)

The Northwest Indiana Poetry Society has choosen one of my photos for the cover of their next poetry magazine. I'm excited about that too.

The Power of Poetry Project (PoPP)- is now in 4 local schools. Students in Grades K-5 are busy writing and revising. I can wait to read their poems and congratulate the winners. An assembly will be held in April and winning poems will be published! Watch the Indiana Writers' Consortium's blogsite and facebook page for more information.

Calumet Region Photography Club is having a workshop this month in Munster, IN. Spread the word!

And I'm thrilled to report NBC News Chicago liked my lunar eclipse photo from December 10th! Thanks again to Brant Miller.

Finally, I got another rejection from a children's magazine, but the editor encouraged me to keep submitting so I will. I'm hoping persistance will pay off.